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Product number: SKU:25783

25783 WADA Morihiro Cedar pattern bowl

25783 WADA Morihiro Cedar pattern bowl

Regular price Sale price ¥0
Height 7.1cm     
Diameter 16.4cm

While a student at Kyoto City University of Arts, Kenkichi Tomimoto became a close friend of Watajimori and his work was highly acclaimed both in Japan and abroad. His highly original works have been recognized both in Japan and abroad, and he has become a leader of the Japanese ceramic art world. His works are highly acclaimed both in Japan and abroad, and are known as “WATAMORI Hirai” in every corner of his works. His works seem to be vessels with patterns that spontaneously come from within himself at that time, and therefore his style, like the artist himself, inevitably does not stay in one place, but always develops into something new. The “cedar pattern” is a unique and unique style of Japanese ceramics.
The patterns alone are: “Sugi-bun”, “Bumi-bun”, “Unka-bun”, “Unka-bun”, “Unka-bun”, “Bird-bun”, “Asuka-bun”, “Sunashi”, “Fuso-bun”, “Renrai-bun”, “Hakomon”, “Odori-bun”, “Semibun”, “Sen-bun”, “Tsugi- Sen”, “Qifu-bun”, “Taiyon”, “Man-bun”, “Seeds-bun”, “Kinsa-bun”, “Yoshika-bun”, “Fangenware”, “Hegenware”, “Hana-yong”, “Sekka-ON His work has been spreading to potters all over the world year by year.

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