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Product number: SKU:22197

22197 RAKU Kichizaemon, 15th Generation of the Ten Craftsmen of the Sen Family

22197 RAKU Kichizaemon, 15th Generation of the Ten Craftsmen of the Sen Family

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Height 3.3cm Diameter 7.1cm

This is a work by Raku Kichizaemon, the 15th generation of the Senke Ten Craftsmen. He graduated from Kyoto Prefectural Suzaku High School and the sculpture department of Tokyo University of the Arts. He studied at the Academia di Raku in Rome, Italy. He took his name in November 1981. He has received numerous awards both in Japan and overseas, and is highly regarded not only as a potter but also as a ceramic artist. He received the Oribe Award in 1997.

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