Product number: SKU:22580
22580 KAWAI Kanjiro (Inlaid double-handed yellow bowl (red lacquer))
22580 KAWAI Kanjiro (Inlaid double-handed yellow bowl (red lacquer))
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Height 10.0cm, diameter 36.4cm
Together with such great masters as Yanagi Muneyoshi and Hamada Shoji, who are representative of the Japanese folk art world, and Tomimoto Kenkichi and Kuroda Tatsuaki, who are representative of modern Japanese crafts, Kawai Kanjiro is a central figure who built the foundations of the Japanese folk art world and is highly regarded worldwide, having pioneered new frontiers in modern ceramics with his profound yet simple style in pursuit of "beauty of utility," winning the Grand Prize at the Milan International Exhibition. This bowl boasts the finest workmanship in every respect, including Kawai Kanjiro's unique, well-balanced and powerful form, the painting painted with dynamic brushstrokes, and the glaze coloring reminiscent of slipware. It is an overwhelming work that captures the worldview of Kanjiro, who pursued "beauty of utility" and elevated Japanese folk art pottery to the world of art.