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Product number: SKU:22729

22729 11th generation Raku Kei-nyū (Red Shuten (9th generation Nakagawa Jōeki, Nankyō interior lining)) RAKU Kenyu

22729 11th generation Raku Kei-nyū (Red Shuten (9th generation Nakagawa Jōeki, Nankyō interior lining)) RAKU Kenyu

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Height 3.3cm Diameter 7.1cm

This is a very rare guimai made by Raku Keinyū, the 11th master craftsman of the Raku family and one of the Ten Craftsmen of the Sen family. It has the "Hakuraku seal" (retirement seal) which he used on his later works from the age of 55 until his death at the age of 86. Keinyū had a wide range of work, not limited to tea bowls, but also plates, bowls, kaiseki utensils, and even sencha utensils. Keinyū's style favored the artificiality of nonkou and ryōnyū, and his decorations were also exquisite. The lining is a superb item made by Nakagawa Jōeki, the 9th master metalworker of the Sen family.

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