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Product number: SKU:23571

23571 Living National Treasure 11th Generation Miwa Kyusetu (Demon Hagiwari High-footed Tea Bowl)

23571 Living National Treasure 11th Generation Miwa Kyusetu (Demon Hagiwari High-footed Tea Bowl)

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Height 9.8cm Diameter 15.8cm

His father was the 9th generation of the Miwa family, Kyusetsu (Setsudo), who is a master of traditional Hagi ware. He studied under his father and his elder brother Kyusetsu (10th generation), Kawakita Handeishi. In 1967, he took on the name of the 11th generation Miwa Kyusetsu, and skillfully inherited the traditional Goryeo pottery and the style of "Kyusetsu White" created by his brother. He also developed his own bold and daring style of pottery, which he called "Oni Hagi". This is the work of Living National Treasure Miwa Kyusetsu (Jusetsu) 11th generation (1910-2012).

This "Onihagi tea bowl" boasts unparalleled perfection. It shows the pottery's unique aesthetic sensibility in traditional Hagi ware, and the pure white straw ash glaze "Kyuyuki-haku" (a type of white snow white) combined with the bold and daring design creates a magnificent sight that is overwhelming and deeply moving to those who see it. It is a masterpiece of modern tea pottery that can be appreciated from any angle.


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