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Product number: SKU:24882

24882 Living National Treasure HAMADA Shoji (White Glazed Iron-hammered Tea)

24882 Living National Treasure HAMADA Shoji (White Glazed Iron-hammered Tea)

Sold out

Height 9.0cm

Diameter 12.6cm

He studied the basics of pottery under Itaya Hazan, a leading figure in the modern Japanese pottery world, and was absorbed in researching glazes with Kawai Kanjiro, a master of the folk art world. This work is by Living National Treasure Hamada Shoji, who elevated Mashiko ware, famous for its folk art pottery, to the pinnacle of the artistic world, and is a world-renowned potter who still has collectors around the world. This piece embodies the ultimate folk art beauty that Hamada Shoji aimed for, such as comfortable usability, which can be said to be the true essence of folk art pottery, which always pursues "beauty of utility." It is a masterpiece that is simple yet has a truly profound artistry.

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