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Product number: SKU:24907

24907 Nishioka Koju (Korean Karatsu tea bowl)

24907 Nishioka Koju (Korean Karatsu tea bowl)

Sold out

Height 8.0 cm

Diameter 12.4cm

He has devoted himself to recreating old Karatsu and has been active in a wide range of fields, including research into the six ancient kilns. This is the finest work by Nishioka Koju, a highly skilled potter who is the closest thing to a Living National Treasure in the history of modern Japanese pottery, but who has been called an uncrowned genius for his unwavering achievements in his own pottery and research. This piece is strongly influenced by Momoyama old Karatsu, but never looks old and has a new feel to it, making it a Chosen Karatsu that is one of the most popular Karatsu wares. Chosen Karatsu is a technique in which candy glaze (a glaze with a high iron content) and spotted glaze (straw ash glaze) are applied on top and bottom, and in good Chosen Karatsu, the areas where the spotted glaze and candy glaze mix have a truly beautiful color. A masterpiece that combines exquisite scenery with a magnificent style.

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